Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February is Hell (and it's not because of V-Day)

My dance card has been full every day (& many nights) this month. A few weeks ago over dinner conversation we were discussing our summer camping plans. In the past, I have been the one to do the lengthy search for the perfect campsite and trudge through the reservation mess to get the best days. This process is terribly time consuming and frustrating.

So I declined to do it this year, and was met with a look of disbelief from my husband....a look that said  I should just add it to my dance card. No way, not a chance, can't do it! I pulled out my phone and the calendar (which I have to say is really making things a lot easier for me) and I listed off all the scheduled things, which didn't include last minute additions and changes. I myself was shocked at how much was crammed in to the shortest month of the year!

But it's not just me. The school calendar, birthday calendar (at least 5 friends & family), personal calendar (date night at least!), kid calendar, they all converge into a big hot mess (that's just a catchy phrase I've been looking for a place to use... doesn't really fit anywhere but who cares?) Two extra days off school, but that means two extra things that pop up. The good news is that there are a few choice days that I have preserved as "empty" for the time being.... and I can tell you one thing - I'm not spending it booking campsites!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Go Girl! Stick to your guns. Family means every one pitching in, not just the MOM.