Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Do we ever really see ourselves as we truly are? It's hard to admit we are not perfect, or even near that, and that we don't have it all together even 50% of the time. If we were to watch a video of ourselves and our actions during the course of one day, what would we see? Bad driving, rude behavior in the check out line, harsh words to our kids, cold shoulder to our spouse? Do we eyeball others, our judgement of them clearly on our faces? Are we shaking our heads incredulously while we watch others? Do we even look up from our phones to see and hear those around us?

If your actions today were to be recorded on video but you were not aware of it, and then had to watch it tomorrow, how would you look? Would your mom be proud? Are you the person you want to be, the role model for our kids? Are we the best spouse, friend, or self we can be? After that 24 hours, and you look at yourself, would you see the image you want to be, the one you would want to be remembered as?

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