Thursday, April 16, 2015

I'm not that mommy anymore

Once upon a time I was the mommy who looked for the best baby food, took my little one to Story Time at the library, compared diaper brands and shopped the kids consignment store. I'm not that mommy anymore.

Some days I miss being there - when I read the blog posts about childbirth experiences and red-shirting for Kindergarten. I miss it when I hear about the first grade performance and the playground they are building at the park down the street. I feel a twinge when I see the photos of baby clothes and read about the best way to potty train your two year old.I feel it when I look at the back seat and there is no longer a car seat or booster, in fact the back seat is cleaner than the front now that my daughter rides shotgun with me.

I feel a bit of sadness as that part of motherhood, of that mommy in me, is going away. I canceled my subscription to Parents magazine and search for blogs about tweens. 

There is a sense of freedom, now that my girl can stay home alone for an hour here and there, and that she does so many things on her own, without my supervision. I look back at the days when I thought I couldn't take another minute of toddler t.v. or play any more with Little People. I always knew these days would get here, and I'm glad they have.

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