Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lost In the Bin

I'm kind of a junk hound. I like to look over the piles at the local thrift stores and ponder how I can make something out of what I find.  It's mostly just a time killer, walking up and down the aisles and looking into bins at things that someone decided was no longer valuable (to them at least). Sometimes there are interesting things, like shot glasses, clocks, and wicker baskets. Mostly there are broken mirrors, scratched candlesticks, puzzles with missing pieces, and a variety of what would otherwise be trash. And then there is this:

I wonder if the boy in the red shirt would like to have the photo of him with his grandpa. Someone once thought enough of the photograph, even though it's off center, to put it in a frame. How did it get to be dumped in the bin of unwanted items? And the photo of the surly looking boy in the tie - well, maybe HE doesn't want that picture to end up anywhere on Facebook.

When I die, will my things be in a box at the curb for donation? And will the stuff the I should have thrown away be what ends up in the junk bin? What kind of things will end up in your box?

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