Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Frugal Mama

Most of my friends and family surely think I am just plain cheap. Or crazy. Or both. I've gone over the edge of frugality. It started with coupons. I have used coupons ever since we became a one-income household. And it has worked - I can't tell you (although if I had time I could figure it out) how much money I have saved at the grocery store last year. I think my biggest savings in one visit was about $63.00 with double coupons. I also shop the dollar store and get unimportant things like hair gel and shampoo there. I've begun using the old fashioned recipes for cleaning supplies (I haven't bought toilet cleanser in years!). Vinegar, baking soda, and a dab of Dawn dish soap, and look out! I can take care of anything! I find it challenging to try out the household products instead of purchasing what the TV ads try to sell me. Just this week I poured baking soda down the bathroom sink drain, added hot water and vinegar, and whoosh - drain cleared! I'm glad I'm putting less chemicals into our water and saving the money on those same things.

OK, so sometimes I go a bit far, but hey, what's it hurt? I reuse just about every thing I have, and before I throw something away, I ALWAYS try to think of another use before it gets tossed. I'm not a hoarder, or a junk collector, and in fact, I have a very organized way of holding on to all these second-use items. I send it all to the basement! HA! But really, I get a kick out of saving the money - better in my pocket than the big company's - and I feel better about the way we are consuming less as a family, producing less waste, and choosing better products.

If you are interested in a great website for handy tips, try: http://www.everydaycheapskate.com

P.S. Can you send me your coupons?

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Hey Cousin Peggy
If you are "frugal" I am "cheap". I never, never, never, EVER go to the store without 3 things :
1. List
2. Coupons
3. Calculator

Where I shop they sometimes triple/quadruple their coupons so I can brag and say the most I have ever saved using my 3 Essentials was $89.62.
Thanks for the ideas for cleaning products using things from your home. I hate spending a lot of money on stuff that I can't eat or drink.
Check out P&G Savers. It is an online site where you can print out addtional coupons.
Cousin Sheri